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5-49. COMNAVCRUITCOM provides radio spots to stations nationwide at what specific interval? 1. Monthly 2.   Quarterly 3. Semiannually 4. Annually 5-50. Before appearing on a radio or television talk show, you should obtain which of the following information? 1. The  format  and  anticipated  topics 2. A complete script of what will be said 3. An outline of the host’s viewpoints 4. All of the above 5-51. Booth or space rental for public affairs events should be funded by which of the means? 1. Pay the charge and submit an OPE claim after  the  event 2. Pay the charge and submit receipt to supply for  reimbursement  after  the  event 3. Submit  an  internal  request  document  to supply for approval before participating in the event 4. Participate in the event and send the invoice to supply 5-52. When  setting  up  a  display,  you  should  follow which  of  the  following  guidelines? 1. Keep it simple 2. Try to display as many themes or exhibits as possible 3. Use promotional items to the maximum extent possible 4. Leave small giveaway items out within easy reach 5-53. Under which of the following conditions may admission be charged for a Navy band performance? 1. When a portion of the profits will be donated to Navy Relief 2. When a portion of the profits go to an educational   organization 3. When  all  profits  go  to  the  United  Fund 4. When all profits go to a single cause 5-54. 5-55. 5-56. 5-57. 5-58. 5-59. The Navy parachute team is known by which of the following names? 1. Leap Frogs 2. Flying  Fish 3. Jumpmasters 4. Navy Seals Free-flight  balloon  rides  by  the  Navy  Balloon Team are authorized for which of the following individuals? 1. Prospective    recruits 2. News  media  representatives 3. Navy  recruiters 4. All of the above The Blue Angels has which of the following primary missions? 1. Training 2. National security 3. Enhancing recruiting efforts 4. Entertaining Civilian sponsors may support a Blue Angels performance  by  which,  if  any,  of  the  following means? 1. Presenting a check to COMNAVCRUITCOM a minimum of 30 days before the performance 2. Presenting a check to COMNAVCRUITCOM within  30  days  after  the  performance 3. Presenting a check to the NRD on the day of the  performance What is the most important after-action requirement  for  any  performance  team demonstration? 1. News  releases 2. Funding   disbursement 3. Follow-up 4. Report  submission EOV participants must pay which of the following expenses? 1. Their  transportation  and  lodging 2. Their  transportation  and  meals 3. Their lodging and meals 4. Their meals only 31

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